You know, sometimes there are things that are hard to take. Like when a family member or friend is so set on a sinful mindset and they don't even know it. One of the hardest things I am starting to encounter is just this. How do we gracefully share Gods truth without pain in these situations? I believe we can share the truth in a graceful manor but the pain comes from their unwillingness to take the truth as truth. At that point I don't know what else to do but pray for them.
Our nation is in crisis as we speak! Our children are seeing homosexual marriage starting to be accepted as OK. The are starting to see God taken away from schools and court rooms. They are starting to see God taken away from our country all together.
What is talked about in the Bible about equal rights? Are equal rights what we thing they are?
If our standard for what is right is the bible than we have to take what the bible says as truth. But, we need to understand what the Bible is really saying. We can not take one verse and use that as the truth. Yes that verse is true but chances are it means something other than what you read. We have to take the time to study the Word in order to understand what it says.
Take this statement from Martin Luther King Jr.
" I have a dream."
Does he literally own a dream?
Does he have a dream with him?
Does he have a real dream like when you are sleeping?
Is the word dream a metaphor for hope or a prayer?
Is his dream a good dream or a bad dream?
Does his dream even mean anything or could it be about bunny rabbits hopping around?
The question is not, Does he have a dream? The question is what his his dream?
It would be silly to start a movement based on "I have a dream" without understanding what his dream was. The Bible is no different. It would be silly to take a verse or verses of the Bible without understanding their meaning.
If we are going to, as a nation be so set in our way of thinking ( Christan of Non Christian) lets make sure we really know what we are fighting for based in truth not based on what we want or feel or think should be OK. If that were the case we would have murders saying it is OK to kill, robbers saying its OK to steal, child molesters saying its OK to molest, SINNERS saying its OK to sin! AND WE WOULD HAVE TO AGREE WITH THEM! How can we say one sin is OK but not another?
Yes I am a sinner, but I know its not OK and I do not make it a practice and I have Jesus who die for my sin to forgive me when I do mess up!
Below are some links that I think should help.
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