Faith in action

We as followers of Christ know that faith without action is dead. We need to keep our faith alive.
Listen, what is God saying to you?
How can we have faith if we do not act.
Faith is an action word!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jesus- unknown

Went to the service at the riverside trailer park tonight that Lloyd preached at. God is really working there. There are a lot of broken people, even in my home town, I really had no idea.
There was a young man there by whose name I will not mention.
The service was on " who do you say Jesus is?" This young man out from the crowd, out loud asked Lloyd, who do you say He is? Lloyd answered an asked if he knew who Jesus was. The young man answered, No! Then Lloyd asked if he wanted to. The man shrugged his shoulders and said, I never really thought about it. What, I thought. I prayed to my self right there for him. My wife then asked me, so how much does your bible mean to you? Kinda confused I answered, a lot, why? She said I think you need to give it to him. I said, well it doesn't mean that much to me, I do have another at home. So I emptied it out. After talking with him, I found out that he not only hasn't excepted Christ, but really has no idea who He is! Like literaly, he doesn't know who Jesus is! This is the first time in my life where I have met a person who has never heard who Jesus is! I have met those who don't know him as there savior but to not have really heard who He is! My wife and I where shocked! To find even more out, now this is God working, he was visiting from Holland to visit his mom! He doesn't even live there!
So, I gave him my bible, he was a little confused but an excited confused.
So let's please pray that this young man makes a connection and comes to Christ.

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