Faith in action

We as followers of Christ know that faith without action is dead. We need to keep our faith alive.
Listen, what is God saying to you?
How can we have faith if we do not act.
Faith is an action word!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Great first day in DC

My first day in DC was great. I was able to spend some time by myself looking at some of the monuments and memorials. Some good time with God. I arrived in DC at about 6:30 am this morning.
Gary picked me up from down town DC at 10:30. We walked around DC for a little while while I shared my story with him and we got to know each other better. It was really neat, we sat on the top step of the Lincoln memorial and just talked about God and where this country is going and what needs to happen. It was a really cool feeling being there talking.
We went out to lunch and then Gary showed me ECHO, a volunteer organization that provides food,clothing and house hold items free of charge to the local poor. It is a great thing that 25 area churches are involved in and they have over 300 volunteers.
Gary had set up a meeting with some people at his church after we had talked about working with the youth. I met with two members of the church church committee and the pastor of the church. We talked about youth and things their church is trying to do with the youth. There is a big need here for youth leaders in the churches and community.
We got to Garys house and I met his wife Donna. Donna is Lloyds cousin. They are such a sweet couple. I feel so at home here.
I will be attending a meeting with Gary tomorrow in DC. It involves local churches in DC and local DC leaders. Then I will be on my own in the afternoon while Gary meets with some members of the Senate. I think I will go to some museums and go tour the capital. In the evening there is a dinner and film premier being held by Sojourners that I have been invited to as well.
God has already opened up some pretty cool doors. Lets pray together that he continues to open up doors here in DC.
I had to buy clothing today jeans and a nice shirt. I couldn't very well meet with all these people in wind pants and a tee shirt.

It feels so good to be in normal clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Good night! Blessings!!! Jenn and the Kids a so excited you are in DC!
