Faith in action

We as followers of Christ know that faith without action is dead. We need to keep our faith alive.
Listen, what is God saying to you?
How can we have faith if we do not act.
Faith is an action word!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Testimony in under 700 words

This was an assignment for school and felt I should share it with you.
     I grew up in a Christian home. We went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. I don’t think I was ever really taught what it meant to be a Christian though. I like to call my former Christian life, “Selfish Christianity”. The only reason I knew to be saved was so I didn’t go to Hell. Sharing the good news of Christ was never talked about. In my teen years I fell away for God. I did what I thought would make me popular. That sometimes meant drugs and or alcohol. I would even steal from stores just because my “friends” said it was a good idea. I knew it was wrong but didn’t care. It made me happy. At the age of 19 I had my first son and was married that same year. I was so afraid of what my life would be like. I never went to college and I had no idea what I was going to do for a living. I went from job to job never really knowing where I belonged. By the time I was an adult I was back to the party scene. I would drive home drunk and got kicked out of bars. I was so lost! I thought the people I was hanging around actually liked me! I was lost, and going in the wrong direction to boot.

            Like I said I grew up a Christian. I accepted Christ at the age of 11. Although I never really knew what that meant until I was about 25. I was in a car riding with an acquaintance from church, which we regularly attended and were members of. He had randomly asked me if I wanted to go to a food show with him, so I went. To this day I believe that as soon as we got in the car God threw Lou out of the car and got into the driver’s seat. I remember hearing him talk and everything became so clear to me. He talked about the role of a Christian and the absolute truths of the Bible. I had never heard Christianity or the Bible ever talked about like that before. I was excited and didn’t want him to stop talking. Once we got to the show he apologized for talking so much! I told him that it was fine, I was enjoying it. I didn’t accept Christ at that point, I already had, but I reprioritized my life and became a follower of Christ, not just a believer of Christ. There is a huge difference!

     Since that car ride my life has been totally different. Of course I slipped up every now and then (and still do), but things were different, I was different. Slowly the things that “made me happy” stopped making me happy. I first stopped going to the bar, then slowly stopped drinking all together, I even quit smoking, cold turkey! I was no excited about sharing Jesus, that’s all I wanted to do. I started looking for ways to share Jesus with others and my attitude towards life was great, unlike before. But there still was something missing. Fast forward about 5 years. This past fall I was led by the Lord to walk to Washington D.C from Michigan to pray for the president. That journey changed my life forever! God showed me what happens when we are obedient and step out in faith. I gained the relationship with Christ that I had been lacking (the missing piece). I was gone for 38 days. I am now going to school for my degree in religious studies with a focus on mission work, starting a ministry based on praying for our nation’s leaders and writing a book about Gods faithfulness when we act in faith and are obedient to His calling! Without Jesus none of this would have ever happened. Since that car ride, since I saw Jesus for who he is, my life has been, WOW! I love life, I love living life but most of all I love to share my story of Jesus Christ and what he has done for me and continues to do.

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