Today was a great day, I walked .75 miles up a dune trail on Lake Michigan and then walked 4.25 miles when I got home. I walked through a field today. To see a different view, get a different perspective on things. To find out it takes a lot more energy to walk through a field for a mile than on a road. While walking in the field I came up on a flock of geese, about 100. As I got closer they backed up, never left but backed up just enough to feel safe. Just enough to stay in their comfort zone. This made me think. Are we like that? Do we come to church where the rest of the flock is, minding our own business. Then when something unexpected comes along we back up. Just enough to feel safe, stay in our comfort zone. Just enough to say I prayed for that or just enough to see but never really getting involved in this unexpected thing?
I hope not! Unexpected things happened 2000 years ago and unexpected things are happening right now. If we as a Christian body do not act we are not being followers of Christ. We are being watchers of Christ. It isn't good enough to go to church, read the bible and pray. Now don't get me wrong all those things are great and are needed to grow in Christ. But if we don't act what is the point of faith?
And what is the point of the Gosple without faith? After all we are not saved by deeds but by faith!
For all these geese Knew, I could have had the best feeding they ever had!
God has the best feeding we can ever have, he feeds our soul, our hearts and our minds. All we have to do is take a step towards him.
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